Althoughdatabase software can be helpful a good database program, such as MicrosoftAccess, can be expensive. But there are open source alternatives to a priceydatabase. In this article, I'll provide a brief overview of some of the bestfree database software tools for Macs.
Ofcourse, your own selection criteria for a Mac database might be different. Ifyou're selecting a free or open source database tool for the Mac, be sure toresearch it carefully and thoroughly and develop your own list of must-haves.
Best Open Source Software 2018 For Mac Os
Thefollowing list of free and open source database software for the Mac providesoverviews only. You'll want to use the list as a starting place for conductingyour own research to find the right Mac database software for your needs.
Remember,a database that works well for someone else might not be right for you. Ifyou're looking for open source or free database software for the Mac it's a good idea to get yourdatabase developer and administrator involved. Abasic knowledge of database query languages may be needed to get the most fromyour Mac database tool.
Note:There are many different database tools. Also, many people are using databases on their Macs, such as FileMaker Pro, that aren't on this list because the latest version isn't free or open source. In some cases, databases aren't included on the list because they no longer support the Mac as well as they once did.
Thispopular open source database system is an object-relational database.POSTGRESQL has an active community, which provides users with support anddocumentation. There are also POSTGRESQL events and user groups that providefurther opportunities for learning. This database also has a reputation forbeing reliable. It's frequently updated and attempts to conform to SQL standardsunless conforming would lead to poor architecture.
MongoDB is a leading NoSQL database with millions of users.It's licensed under the Free Software Foundation's GNU AGPL v3.0 license,making it open source. However, the company also offers commercial licenses forMongoDB, so that's an option too. MongoDB has an encrypted storage engine. The user manual forMongoDB is licensed under Creative Commons. This popular database has user groups, white papers, as well as othertypes of support.
CouchDBis open source software with an active community that's provided documentationand other guidance for users. There's even helpful CouchDB chats available throughFreenode IRC network and Slack. It's a NoSQL (non-relational) database thatuses JSN to store data. It's also a single node database that can be upgraded to acluster if need be. You can store data on your own servers or on the cloud.
FoundationDBis a NoSQL database known for reliability that was acquired by Apple several yearsago. In April of 2018, it became open source. Distributed systems are one ofthe ideas behind this database application. It uses multi-model data store methodology that has the capability of storing different types of information in one database. FoundationDB already has an active usercommunity as well as online documentation. It's likely we'll see more of this database in the future.
We'vejust taken a quick look at some of the best free and open source databasesoftware out there for the Mac. If you're looking for free or open source database software for your Mac,you'll want to take a closer look at some of these options. As you select yourMac database software tool, remember that software needs vary. So, make your database software selectioncarefully.
Whateverthe need, the Mac recording software you choose to invest in is important.You'll want the best screen capture or screen recording software for your Macto ensure that it meets your needs. Ifyou're a Mac user, you may wonder what your options are when it comes torecording software for Macs. The answer is: there are plenty of options!
We've already discussedscreen recording software ingeneral, but in this article we want to focus on Mac recording software as wellas Mac screen capture software. First, I'll provide an overview of some of thebest free screen recorder software for Macs and some free screen capturesoftware as well. Next, I'll list some premium options for Mac recording softwareand screen capture software so that you can choose the best package for your needs.
Ifyour project is on a tight budget, you may not be able to spend much on Macrecording software. But don't give up. There are plenty of free and open sourcescreen capture and screen recording software options for the Mac. Here's a great list of options totry:
OBSStudio is a popular open source Mac recording software tool that works well for livestreaming games on Twitch and recording other information as well. Mix materialfrom more than one source to create a single recording. If you're not livestreaming, it also includes some good edit options.
Nowthat we've reviewed some of the best screen recording and capture software forMacs, you're ready to make your choice. Whether you're making screen recordings for personal use orprofessionally, we've just examined some great options for screen recordingsoftware for Macs. Best wishes on your next screen recording project.
FeedReader is a free, open-source, modern, and highly customizable RSS client for Linux desktop. It supports keyboard shortcuts, comes with a fast search and filters feature, and supports desktop notifications. FeedReader also supports tags for categorizing and sorting articles. Importantly, it offers amazing consistency in article formatting.
Tiny Tiny RSS is a free open source web-based RSS/Atom reader and aggregator, powered by AJAX. To host it, you need to set up a LEMP or LAMP stack on your system. Then use a web browser to read the news; there is an Android app for mobile users.
FreshRSS is a free open source, fast, lightweight, powerful, and customizable web-based RSS feed reader and aggregator. It is a multi-user application and has a terminal interface for those who like to work from the command line. To self-host it, all you need is to install a LAMP or LEMP stack on your system.
Selfoss is a free open source, modern, lightweight and multipurpose web-based RSS reader, developed using PHP (therefore self-hostable). It can also be used for live streams, mashups, and as a universal aggregation.
QuiteRSS is a free open source, cross-platform, and feature-rich RSS feed reader. It works on Linux, Windows, and macOS. It comes in a multitude of languages around the world. It automatically updates news feeds on startup and via a timer.
Liferea is a free open-source, web-based feed reader and news aggregator for Linux. It is considered one of the best RSS feed readers on Ubuntu Linux. It has a simple interface allowing you to easily organize and browse feeds.
MiniFlux is a free open source, very simple, lightweight, and fast RSS/Atom/JSON feed reader, developed in Go and Postgresql. It is easy to install and use, and comes with a few useful features. It comes in six languages: Chinese, Dutch, English, French, German, and Polish.
Newsbeuter is a free open source, terminal-based RSS/Atom feed reader for Unix-like systems (Linux, FreeBSD, Mac OS X, and others). With it, you can connect to any feed source via a highly flexible filter and plugin system. It supports configurable keyboard shortcuts, podcasts, a search facility, category and tag system, as well as OPML import/export.
Fluent Reader is a cross-platform modern open-source desktop RSS feed reader created using Electron, React, and Fluent UI. It comes with a modern user interface that supports import and export OPML files, backup & restores, regular expression, keyboard shortcuts, and much more.
NewsFlash is another modern open-source Web-based RSS Feed reader that supports Feedly and NewsBlur. It is a spiritual successor to FeedReader and comes with the support for desktop notification, search & filtering, local feeds, import/export OPML files, tagging, keyboard shortcuts and supports web-based feed accounts like Fever, NewsBlur, Feedly, Feedbin, and Miniflux.
The Apache HTTP Server Project is an effort to develop and maintain anopen-source HTTP server for modern operating systems including UNIX andWindows. The goal of this project is to provide a secure, efficient andextensible server that provides HTTP services in sync with the current HTTPstandards.
Volatility is one of the best open source software programs for analyzing RAM in 32 bit/64 bit systems. It supports analysis for Linux, Windows, Mac, and Android systems. It is based on Python and can be run on Windows, Linux, and Mac systems. It can analyze raw dumps, crash dumps, VMware dumps (.vmem), virtual box dumps, and many others.
Microsoft open sourced some of its code, including the .NET Framework, and made investments in Linux development, server technology, and organizations, including the Linux Foundation and Open Source Initiative. Linux-based operating systems power the company's Azure cloud services. Microsoft acquired GitHub, the largest host for open source project infrastructure, in 2018. Microsoft is among the site's most active contributors. This acquisition led a few projects to migrate away from GitHub.[2] This proved a short-lived phenomenon because by 2019 there were over 10 million new users of GitHub.[citation needed]
Since 2017, Microsoft is one of the biggest open source contributors in the world,[3] measured by the number of employees actively contributing to open source projects on GitHub, the largest host of source code in the world.[4][5]
Microsoft successfully expanded in personal computer and enterprise server markets through the 1990s, partially on the strength of the company's marketing strategies.[8] By the late 1990s, Microsoft came to view the growing open source movement as a threat to their revenue and platform. Internal strategy memos from this period, known as the Halloween documents, describe the company's potential approaches to stopping open source momentum. One strategy was "embrace-extend-extinguish", in which Microsoft would adopt standard technology, add proprietary extensions, and upon establishing a customer base, would lock consumers into the proprietary extension to assert a monopoly of the space. The memos also acknowledged open source as a methodology capable of meeting or exceeding proprietary development methodology. Microsoft downplayed these memos as the opinions of an individual employee and not Microsoft's official position.[9] 2ff7e9595c