Start out on an island with nothing more than a basic rod. Progress into a radar-wielding master fisher-cat scouring the sea for the biggest and baddest fish. Each fish has unique behaviors that you will learn to exploit as you tailor your arsenal of fishing rods to suit your style of play.
The new Auto-Rig includes wings, fins, hair, fish spines, and arthropod legs in addition to all kind of mammal limbs to help you rig anything.
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You can control Clownfish by sending windows messages from your application( see Data Copy )Sent command should be utf8 encoded string in this format "XY". X - numeric comand, Y-string/numeric value Command X=0 ( start audio file ) , Y - is file locationCommand X=1 ( start text to speech ), Y - text to be convertedCommand X=2 ( enable/disable Clownfish ), Y - 0/1Command X=3 ( set voice changer ), Y - (0-14) - selected voice (0:none) Command X=4 ( set sound fx ), Y - (1-4) - selected effect (0:disable) Command X=5 ( set sound volume ), Y - (0-100)Command X=6 ( enable VST effect ), Y - (string) - "disable", "configure", "VST name"Examples:"0C:\music\good.mp3" - start playing good.mp3 file"0" - stop playing any music"1How are you?" - start text to speech conversion with current selected narrator"20" - turn Clownfish off"21" - turn Clownfish on
Over the next several years, Ben Skywalker continued to train with Jacen Solo, becoming his apprentice. However, he was not a true Jedi, as he had not completed any of the Academy tests.[23] By 40 ABY, Skywalker had grown into a teenager, strong in the Force, and would accompany his older cousin on many dangerous missions. Ben had progressed slowly and cautiously, but had grown to be more open and trusting of the Force, which Jacen Solo surmised would keep him from giving in to the temptations of the dark side or hormone rushes typical for Human teenagers. Skywalker had become a precocious, bright, and inventive boy, one that was largely obedient to Solo. In 40 ABY, Skywalker traveled with Solo on a covert mission to the world of Adumar to investigate whether the Dammant Killers missile-manufacturing plant was selling arms to planets that had become close to rebellion in the few years between 36 ABY and 40 ABY. The two posed as Jedi investigators checking up on the plant for the Galactic Alliance, and were nervously guided through the facility by Adumari Dammant Killers employee Testan ke Harran. Solo and Skywalker exploited Jedi mystique to intimidate Harran and the plant workers. On their tour, the adept Jedi felt uneasiness through the Force pertaining to a section of a wall. Astonishing Harran, Skywalker ignited his lightsaber and cut through the wall, revealing a secret section of the plant containing missiles that had not been reported to the Galactic Alliance.[1]
The Jedi and Syo traveled to her home, which was a former mining station that was once inhabited by a species of mynock-like sentients. Over time, the species learned to wield the Force and permeated the caverns with dark side energy. The species eventually went extinct, and a mining operation was set up on the asteroids. The director, a Force-sensitive, realized the power of the dark side energy in the planetoid and would become Sith Lord Darth Vectivus. After telling Vectivus' story, Syo revealed her true reason for leading them to her home; in the caverns, where the dark side power was greater and more focused, there was a Sith Lord, and Syo did not think she should face him alone. Upon learning this, the three Jedi accompanied Syo on a turbolift on its way down to the bottom level of the habitat, but Skywalker suddenly felt himself being grabbed by the collar and hurled out of the lift and into the darkness of the caverns.[1]
After returning to Coruscant, Skywalker attended the funeral of Mara Jade Skywalker. The event was plagued by problems from the start; before the funeral was to begin, Han and Leia Organa Solo, who tried to attend, were accosted by a Galactic Alliance Guard unit, who attempted to arrest them. Also, as Saba Sebatyne gave her eulogy, Jacen Solo caused a stir by entering and sitting directly next to Luke and Ben Skywalker. No one knew that Solo was the true slayer of Mara Jade Skywalker or that he had become a full Sith Lord following the duel, taking the Sith name Darth Caedus. Meanwhile, the Galactic Alliance's conflict with the Confederation had erupted into all-out war. The Confederation began a push to the Core, and Commenorian and Hutt forces attempted to occupy Balmorra. Shortly before Caedus and the Galactic Alliance Fourth Fleet engaged the Confederation at Balmorra, Skywalker confronted Caedus, asking whether he was the killer of Mara Jade due to his being on Kavan at the time. Caedus swiftly denied it but failed to convince Skywalker. Skywalker demanded that Caedus reveal the name of the guilty party and accused Caedus of trying to take over the Jedi Order. Caedus responded by playing Skywalker an audio recording of Cal Omas stating that he wanted Luke Skywalker out of the way. Skywalker stayed determined to find his mother's killer and feigned belief that Omas was behind the death of Mara Jade Skywalker.[26]
Since the only person who knew the true circumstances of Omas' death was Skywalker, it was commonly believed that he had been the one to kill Omas. Meanwhile, the Galactic Alliance forces led by Darth Caedus, along with Jedi assistance commanded by Luke Skywalker, fought a major battle at Kuat. The Jedi were no longer willing to have Caedus command them, and when word reached Luke Skywalker that Omas was dead and that Skywalker was the presumed killer, Luke Skywalker informed Caedus that they would no longer support him. Caedus responded by ordering the deaths of Jedi hostages on Ossus and the occupation of the Jedi Temple. Skywalker, having left Coruscant after Omas' death, navigated the fire of battle, landed in the Anakin Solo and met with Caedus. Skywalker pretended that he was Omas' killer and asked that Caedus take him back as his apprentice. He was initially unsuccessful, but Caedus obliged when Skywalker told him that his father had asked him to meet him on Kashyyyk, where the Jedi purportedly were asking the Wookiees not to lend assistance to the Galactic Alliance.[26]
Caedus imprisoned Skywalker after the attack and placed him in the Embrace of Pain. The Embrace of Pain was a rack-like torture device made by the Yuuzhan Vong, which had been used by Vergere on Caedus after he was captured on Myrkr. The Embrace of Pain had played a crucial part in Caedus' descent into the dark side, and Caedus intended to use it to turn Skywalker into a Sith. Through it all Skywalker continued to accuse Caedus of killing Mara Jade Skywalker, and Caedus continued to deny it. Caedus then tried to break Skywalker's will; he told Skywalker that his father Luke Skywalker had been shot down and killed in battle. This however was not true; Luke Skywalker had indeed been shot down, but not killed. Skywalker refused to believe that his father was dead, and was able to feel his father, alive, aboard the Anakin Solo. Skywalker warned Caedus that his father was alive and was coming for him, but Caedus did not believe him, thinking it was all a ruse. Suddenly, Luke Skywalker appeared behind Caedus and attacked him. The two dueled, as Skywalker watched in agony from the Embrace of Pain.[26]
As the battle raged on, Skywalker used the Force to summon a vibrodagger off the floor and struggled to cut himself free of the Embrace of Pain's tendrils. By then Luke Skywalker had trapped Caedus in another torture rack and was moving in to land the killing blow. Skywalker, still in the Embrace of Pain, began shouting to his father that he deserved to cut down Caedus, distracting his father and inadvertently buying Caedus time to get free. Caedus stood up to attack but was stabbed in the back by Skywalker's vibrodagger, puncturing a lung and barely missing his heart. Skywalker justified it by saying that Caedus had killed Mara Jade, but Luke Skywalker revealed that he believed Alema Rar was the true killer. Caedus fled the scene, and the Skywalkers escaped the Anakin Solo.[26]
In response to the impending attack the clans moved to a defensible hill under a Jedi standard. This violated Luke's terms of conviction which left Ben to lead the forces in battle while his father stayed down the hill. He rallied the clan members and prepared for the assault. During the first wave, he and Dyon attacked a few rancors that were attacking the rear and were later helped by Vestara. After another wave, the Nightsisters requested for them to surrender which they refused. During the next wave, a helpless Ben could only watch as his father was almost crushed by boulders and attacked by Nightsisters until he was saved by Vestara using Ben's lightsaber. After this he decided help organize the clan members into battle formations. This made defending against the subsequent waves much more efficient. After a lull in the fighting, the two clans were finally joined as the Bright Sun Clan. This redacted the status of the hill as Jedi property, allowing Luke to return to the hill. Together they realized that Vestara was bringing the Sith to Dathomir, prompting Ben to state he had begun to like her, presumably due to her skills and wit. They followed Vestara to her meeting with Halliava and discovered her true motives. Although Vestara tried to get them off her trail, they followed her to the landing zone where the Sith were kidnapping the Nightsisters. While his father engaged Sith Lord Viun Gaalan Ben fought and killed two Sith Sabers with Dyon's help. After Galaan escaped, Vestara was left behind. Luke took her in custody as the Bright Sun Clan expelled her from the clan. The clan also handed Ben the deed to Bright Sun Hill so a new Jedi facility could be built on it. They took Vestara aboard the Jade Shadow and as they left Dathomir, they were approached by the Sith fleet.[3] 2ff7e9595c